The Storm - A Biography of Edvard Munch
Stormen - En biografi om Edvard Munch
Edvard Munch is not only celebrated as Norway’s preeminent artist, he has also etched a permanent mark on global culture. The Storm chronicles the life of this prodigious artist who, after rattling Kristiania with his revolutionary artworks, made a dynamic entrance onto the European stage, emerging as a formidable force from the north. From the iconic “The Scream” to captivating pieces like “Madonna” and “Vampire”, Munch did more than merely depict scenes; he rendered raw emotions on canvas. His life and oeuvre navigated through an era marked by monumental shifts in both global events and the artistic domain. To understand Munch’s life is also to understand the tumultuous backdrop of his contemporary Europe.
The Storm, Vol. I (2023) was nominated for the 2023 Critics’ Prize

‘Exemplary artist biography.’
‘Ivo de Figueiredo’s new Munch biography is an event […]. I only put the manuscript down when I had to. […] With flow, pace, and a sense of anecdotes, the biographer follows the chronically restless, increasingly alcoholic artist from city to city, from environment to environment, from room to room, from painting to painting. […] Together, these ingredients guarantee a highly readable life portrayal. As soon as I finished ‘The Storm’ I started looking forward to the next volume.’
Klassekampen - on Vol. I
‘Outstanding about Munch! ‘The Storm’ is the first volume in what will almost certainly become the definitive work on Edvard Munch for a long time to come.’
VG, 5/6 stars - on Vol. I