Lars Fr. H. Svendsen

Stupidity, Idiocy and Stupid Idiots – A Philosophy of Idiocy

Dumhet, idioti og dumme idioter. Hvorfor du bør tenke selv – og sammen med andre

Are we entering the golden age of stupidity? Will artificial intelligence make us think less? None of us are free from stupidity and idiocy, but there is help available.

Lars Fr. H. Svendsen is both witty and insightful as he dives into the history of philosophy, this time on stupidity and idiocy. What characterizes someone who thinks stupidly? And what does it mean for someone to behave like an idiot?

‘Most of us overestimate how smart we are. Most people do not realize that they are like most people.’

The book is about both self-reflection and our own habits and perspectives. It makes the reader aware not only of others’ stupidity but also of one’s own tendency towards hasty conclusions, narrow-mindedness, and stubbornness.

And what happens when we fail to distinguish clear arguments from stupidity and idiocy?

‘A brilliant study of stupidity and idiocy […] The author, in the manner of good philosophers, calls for critical thinking and humility as a counterbalance to the certainty that characterizes stupidity and idiocy. […] Exemplarily clear and remarkably easy to read. It is also quite entertaining; it is not without reason that human stupidity has provided material for satirists and humorists for years.’

NRK, 6/6 stars
Photo: Agnete Brun

Lars Fr. H. Svendsen (b. 1970) is a doctor of philosophy and professor of philosophy at the University of Bergen. He is also an internationally bestselling non-fiction author, with a unique ability to communicate difficult contemporary and international topics in a straightforward way. Svendsen has received several prizes for his work, and his books have been translated into more than 25 languages.