Gyrid Axe Øvsteng

First Mum on Mars

Førstemamma på Mars

Where is mum when she is not at home? On Mars perhaps? The girl in this story has many explanations for where mum is, one explanation more imaginative than the next. But deep down she knows the truth: mum is in hospital.

This is a lively and energetic story about what it is like having a parent who is ill. The text and pictures are carefully interwoven, and when the words do not explain, the pictures and illustrations take over.

Illustrated by Per Ragnar Møkleby.

Awarded the Literary Critics’ Prize 2013 and the Ministry of Culture´s Picture Book Prize 2013

‘The book with the adventurous title hold a terribly sad story. Super Mum is gone, hospitalized with a serious illness. Her little girl finds it impossible to take in, it can’t be true… The book is about the way into the painful realization. Finally she meets her Mum, and is helped by imagination and plays. The journey ends at Mars, the planet where there likely is no life. But mom is there.’

Photo: Dag Jenssen

GYRID AXE ØVSTENG (b. 1974) is an author and a dramatist.

PER RAGNAR MØKLEBY (b. 1974) is an illustrator and designer.

In 2007 they made the picture book Finn. In 2011 they made the picture book Dreams (Draumar). The press wrote: “A charming picture book about sweet dreams.”