Olav Schewe

Super Student. How to save time, learn more effectively and get better grades

Superstudent. Lær mer effektivt, få bedre karakterer

Olav Schewe went from being an average student to a high school valedictorian and top of his class at the University of Oxford by using the techniques described in the book. Super Student: How to Save Time, Learn More Effectively and Get Better Grades is a 44,000-word bestselling book on study skills: reading, note taking, memorization, etc.
The book has been endorsed by the Norwegian Minister of Education and has now been rewritten for an international audience and translated into English. The targeted readership is high school and university students. The book can easily be adapted to focus on only one of the two groups.
The book’s content is universal and not specific to any particular geography.

PART I: LEARN EFFECTIVELY: Manage your time / Plan for success / Learn more effectively / Maximize classroom learning / Succeed in study groups / Take better notes / Remember more from reading / Memorize facts with more ease
PART II: PERFORM OPTIMALLY: Prepare well / Conquer exams and written tests / Write better essays / Cruise through multiple choice tests / Nail presentations / Impress in the classroom
PART III: THINK RIGHT: Increase your motivation / Set effective goals / Have more fun in your studying / Believe in yourself / Develop self-discipline / Form good habits / Manage stress

Olav Schewe holds a Master of Business Administration with Distinction from the University of Oxford. Olav is a living example that it is possible to go from mediocrity to excellence using the right study techniques. He graduated as the valedictorian (top of his class) of his high school. He then attended the Norwegian School of Economics and the University of California, Berkeley. Before starting his graduate program at Oxford, Olav was classified in the top 6% of more than 1 million test takers worldwide by the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) and was awarded a Fulbright scholarship.

Olav Schewe is a popular speaker on the topic of study skills in Norway. He is frequently invited by universities and high schools to speak about study skills and has made several radio and TV appearances since the publication of Superstudent in Norway.
He is also the author of the book The Exchange Student Guidebook and has previously been a weekly writer for Norway’s third largest newspaper, Dagens Næringsliv.