Get to know our Selected Titles Authors of the Spring
We are happy to offer readable insightful interviews with the authors and illustrators of our 25 Selected Titles of the spring.
We invite you to get better aquainted with the books and the people who wrote and illustrated them!

Maria Kjos Fonn: Margaret, Are You Grieving
(original title: Margaret, er du i sorg)
Kristin Vego: Fading Light
(original title: Sent på dagen)
Johan B. Mjønes: Spuria
Guri Idsø Viken: Crash
(original title: Krakk)
Sigbjørn Skåden: Backwoods Fable
(original title: Planterhaug)
Emely Benedicte Kahrs: Who By Friday
(original title: Hvem på en fredag)
Ellen Sofie Lauritzen: Men Falling
(original title: Menn som faller)
Jan Ove Ekeberg: Legionnaire. The Barbarians from the North
(original title: Legionær – Barbarene fra nord)
Line Norman Hjorth and Vigdis Hjorth: Like It or Lump It. The Year We Got Cancer
(original title: Kul i brystet. Året vi ble syke)
Erling Kagge: The North Pole. The History of an Obsession
(original title: Nordpolen. Natur, myter, eventyrlyst og smeltende is)
Veronica Skotnes: I read it in the waves. Sailing in the Arctic Sea
(original title: Det jeg leste i bølgene)
Sigri Sandberg: The Year of My Awakening
(original title: Det året eg våkna. Kva skjer med naturen – og oss?)
Linn Stalsberg: War is contempt for life. An essay on peace
(original title: Krig er forakt for liv. Et essay om fred)
Kathrin Pabst: Granddad’s Bunker – A Family Story
(original title: Bestefars bunker. Hvorfor krigen ikke slipper taket : en generasjonsfortelling)
Hilde Gunn Slottemo: Private Lives. A History
(original title: Privatlivets historie. Slikkepotten, skjermen, soverommet og andre fortellinger)
Lene Ask: Astrid Løken. Fighting with gentle hands
(original title: Astrid Løken. Å slåss med varsomme hender)
Books for children and young adults
Magnhild Winsnes: Hey! Let’s Go to the Kindergarten!
(original title: Kom! Vi skal til barnehagen!)
Linda Trast Lillevik: Are You Sleeping, Eanat?
(original title: Sover du, Eanat?)
The book is illustrated by Gustav Kvaal.
Kari Stai: The Tribe
(original title: Flokken)
Christopher Pahle: Milo’s Universe 2. Revenge of the Houseplants
(original title: Milos univers – Potteplantenes hevn)
The book is illustrated by Allan Grønseth Ohr.
Helene Uri: The Road Through the Winter Forest
(original title: Veien gjennom vinterskogen – en førjulsfortelling i 24 deler)
The book is illustrated by Tuva Synnevåg.
Iben Akerlie: Nils Non Grata
Alexander Kielland Krag: Don’t Look Now
(original title: Ikke se nå)
Gøril Sæther: The World of Pets. Everything You Need to Know About Our Animal Friends
(original title: Den store boka om kjæledyr)
The book is illustrated by Oda Valle.
Birgit Skarstein and Susanne Kaluza: Why Can’t the Referee Score Goals?
(original title: Hvorfor kan ikke dommeren score mål? og 52 andre ting du lurer på om sport)
The book is illustrated by Leonard Furuberg.
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See all the Selected Titles of the spring here
You will find all the interviews here