Meet Guilherme da Silva Braga - Translator of the Month for August
Guilherme da Silva Braga wanted to be a translator already when he was a teenager. Now he has a PhD in Literary Studies from Brazil, and over 70 published books under his belt. Get to know this month’s translator for August.

Translator of the Month for August is Guilherme da Silva Braga from Brasil. He translates from Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and English to Brazilian Portuguese, and in 2016 he was nominated for the renowned literary prize Prêmio Jabuti for best translated fiction for his work with Karl Over Knausgård’s My struggle, 3rd book, and in June 2023 he received NORLA’s Translator’s Prize.
You can read the full interview in Norwegian here, but below is a taster in English:
How did you end up as a translator of Norwegian fiction?
I wanted to be a literary translator already from when I was a teenager. It is perhaps a bit unusual, but I always thought of English and Brazilian Portuguese as my working languages – and these were the languages I endeed up studying at the University. At the same time I started listening to Norwegian black metal (something I still do) and because of the music I decided after a while to start learning Norwegian.
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Learn more about Guilherme on Books from Norway.
Those of you who understand Norwegian can read Guilherme’s interview in full here.
Other translators interviewed in Translator of the Month series.