Men in My Situation
Menn i min situasjon
To Arvid Jansen, life has become a question of holding on to a few firm things. He revisits old battlefields around town, gets drunk, meets women and goes home with them, or he drives around in his Mazda, where he also spends the nights when his bed becomes an impossible place to be.
A year has passed since Turid took their three daughters and left. Early one morning she calls him from the closed railway station Bjørkelangen. Arvid picks her up and drives her to her new home in Skjetten. But for once, he refuses to give her what she asks. In the terrace house, there is no trace of their life together. He has been completely wiped out. Arvid feels that Vigdis, his oldest daughter, sees what kind of man he really is. And that’s why she has had to keep her distance to him. But at the same time she might be the one who needs him the most.
Men in My Situation is a tender, merciless portrait of a life going to pieces.
Nominated for The Norwegian Booksellers’ Prize 2018