Per Dybvig

The Line

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The animals stand in line. It looks fun, Twig thinks. He wants to join. He wants to play!
It’s not a game, the animals tell him. It’s a line, they say, and order Twig to stand at the very back. Then Twig doesn’t find it to be fun anymore.

The Line is a fanciful fable and an existential drama from the forest.

‘A brilliant picture book! […] The book has a “meaning of life” sparkle in the same way as the wonderful picture books by the Australian Shaun Tan.’

VG, 6/6 stars

‘A stroke of genius! […] Simple and smart: Per Dybvig gives us a trickster on the path of life. […] Thoughts can turn to […] waiting for Godot. […]. It can be devoured and savored with care, with a flavor that lasts.’

NRK, 6/6 stars

‘[…] an achievement to make this type of reflection accessible to both young and older readers through a story full of suspense, imagination and humor […] raising the bar for Norwegian Children’s Literature.’

Photo: Marie von Krogh

Per Dybvig (b. 1964) is one of Norway’s most acclaimed illustrators and visual artists. He has illustrated numerous children’s books, many of them bestsellers. Dybvig has earned several prizes for his work, among them The Ministry of Culture’s Picture Book Prize and the Book Art Prize awarded by the Norwegian Designer’s Guild’s Visual Prize that honours book design and book illustrations of highest standard.