Johan Harstad - Selected Title Author
We are happy to present our selected title author Johan Harstad. He has written Under the Paving-Stones, the Beach! (original title: Under brosteinen, stranden!). The book is one of NORLA’s Selected Titles of the autumn 2024.
Maren Skolem - Selected Title Author
We are happy to present our selected title author Maren Skolem. She has written The Doors are Closing (original title: Dørene lukkes). The book is one of NORLA’s Selected Titles of the autumn 2024.
Anne Elvedal - Selected Title Author
We are happy to present our selected title author Anne Elvedal. She has written You Can Call Me Jan (original title: Du kan kalle meg Jan). The book is one of NORLA’s Selected Titles of the autumn 2024.
Hilde Rød-Larsen - Selected Title Author
We are happy to present our selected title author Hilde Rød-Larsen. She has written In The House of Pantaloon (original title: I Pantalones hus). The book is one of NORLA’s Selected Titles of the autumn 2024.
Gaute Heivoll - Selected Title Author
We are happy to present our selected title author Gaute Heivoll. He has written My Time in These Woods (original title: Min tid i disse skogene). The book is one of NORLA’s Selected Titles of the autumn 2024.
Kyrre Andreassen - Selected Title Author
We are happy to present our selected title author Kyrre Andreassen. He has written Not People I can Depend on (original title: Ikke mennesker jeg kan regne med). The book is one of NORLA’s Selected Titles of the autumn 2024.
Kathrine Nedrejord - Selected Title Author
We are happy to present our selected title author Kathrine Nedrejord. She has written The Sami Problem (original title: Sameproblemet). The novel is one of NORLA’s Selected Titles of the autumn 2024, and it is also nominated for the 2024 Brage Prize.
Even Moland - Selected Title Author
We are happy to present our selected title author Even Moland. He has written Rising Tides: The planet’s heart and lungs, the fragile life in the deep, and how to protect it (original title: En sjanse i havet. Planetens hjerte og lunger, det sårbare livet i havdypet – og hvordan vi kan bevare det). The book is one of NORLA’s Selected Titles of the autumn 2024.
Ivo De Figueiredo - Selected Title Author
We are happy to present our selected title author Ivo De Figueiredo. He has written The Storm – A Biography of Edvard Munch (original title: Stormen – En biografi om Edvard Munch). The book is one of NORLA’s Selected Titles of the autumn 2024.
36 Norwegian Authors to Germany
From March 26 to 30, 2025, Norway will be the Guest of Honour at Leipziger Buchmesse, Germany’s largest public book fair.
Over the course of four days, NORLA will fill stages at the Leipzig Messe, and in the city itself, with a rich and varied program, where Norwegian authors and literature will have the leading role. Nearly 40 authors have accepted the invitation to participate in Leipzig, including prominent names like Vigdis Hjorth, Johan Harstad, Karl Ove Knausgård, Anna Fiske, Trude Teige, and Kristin Valla. These authors represent literature for both adults and children, in all genres.
Margherita Podestà Heir - Translator of the Month
Margherita has translated plays, films and so far more than 70 books, mostly fiction, from Norwegian to Italian, but she also translates from Swedish and Danish. Conveying the importance of translation to non-professionals, is something she finds very rewarding and inspiring, and also exchanging ideas and experiences with colleagues from all over the world.
The Fosse Prize – NORLA Invites Endorsements
Following Jon Fosse’s Nobel Prize in Literature in 2023, the Norwegian government has established a new annual initiative to honor the author—a yearly Fosse Lecture with accompanying events organized by the National Library, where a Fosse Prize for Translators, worth NOK 500,000, will also be awarded. Through this initiative, the government aims to emphasize the importance of Fosse’s authorship, both in Norway and internationally.
The National Library manages the Fosse Lecture and the Fosse Prize for Translators on behalf of the government. In collaboration with NORLA, the National Library will annually award the Fosse Prize to an outstanding translator of Norwegian literature and/or drama (not necessarily in book form).