Dobos, eva photo laura lukács

Why I translate Fosse: Éva Dobos

When Jon Fosse’s Hungarian translator Éva Dobos is in the Fosse bubble, few things can get her out of it. Here, she shares her first meeting with his literature, and how she had to fight to have Fosse published in Hungarian.

Carmen ved arbeidspulten

Carmen Freixanet - Translator of the Month

Our Translator of the Month for June is Carmen Freixanet, who hails from the city of Manlleu, situated between the Pyrenees and Barcelona. She studied Spanish and Catalan languages and literature at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Autonomous University of Barcelona) and later taught these subjects in the adult education sector. Carmen has lived in Oslo for 17 years, where her enthusiasm for Norwegian culture, literature, and language blossomed.
Carmen’s love for literature in general, and Norwegian literature in particular, led her to begin translating both non-fiction and fiction. Her latest translations are Erika Fatland’s three books about her travels to various parts of the world.

Carmen sings in a choir, and she believes that this type of activity helps to release tension, express emotions, and also aids in writing. She now lives in the municipality of Palafrugell, on the Costa Brava coast in Catalonia.

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Norway is Guest of Honour at the Leipzig Book Fair in March 2025

Norway will be Guest of Honour at the Leipzig Book Fair in 2025, which is to take place March 27-30. The German market is one of the most important for Norwegian literary exports, and the Guest of Honour status in Leipzig gives Norwegian books and Norwegian authors a unique opportunity to reach German readers.

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Get to know our Selected Titles Authors of the Spring

We are happy to offer insightful interviews with the authors and illustrators of our 24 Selected Titles of the spring.
We invite you to get better aquainted with the books and also the people who wrote and illustrated them!


Great start for the 14th season at NORLA's translators hotel

This week, we have warmly welcomed four translators to Oslo for a two-week stay at Hotel Bondeheimen. The translators now in place in Oslo, and also working from NORLA’s offices, are:

Paul Russell Garrett (Canada/Great Britain)
Öyvind Vågen (Sweden)
Željka Černok (Croatia)
Andrea Romanzi (Italy)

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NORLA's Annual Report for 2023

In 2023, NORLA granted subsidies for translation of Norwegian literature into 51 different languages. A total of 553 applications for translation grants were received, of which 546 were approved, distributed among 440 fiction titles and 106 non-fiction titles.
Children’s and young adult books account for just under a quarter of all translations, regardless of genre.


Cristina Falcinella - Translator of the Month

Our Translator of the Month for May is Cristina Falcinella, originally from Milan, Italy, where she specialized in Nordic studies before obtaining a doctorate in Gender Studies/Norwegian theatre. She has primarily translated fiction but also non-fiction, and for the theatre. Cristina is currently, and with great pleasure, working on another Jon Fosse book, Olav’s Dreams (original title: Olavs draumar), after a long hiatus of intense ‘motherhood’ and overlapping literary and musical activities. Looking out of her window, she sees the Mediterranean from the Catalan coast in Barcelona, where she has been residing for over twenty years now, amidst the intersection of multiple languages and cultures, but with Norway nestled in her heart.

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Reading Tips for World Book Day

For everybody working at NORLA, sparking the joy of reading is a true privilege. And today we are happy to celebrate World Book Day by recommending books from our Selected Spring Titles.
You will find more information on all the spring titles here, and quite a few also include sample translations in English.

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Europe's largest translation prize to Paula Stevens

On 18 April, Dutch translator Paula Stevens received Europe’s largest translation prize, the Martinus Nijhoff Prize, for her translations of Norwegian literature. We at NORLA offer her our warmest congratulations!

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Chie Asada - Translator of the Month

Our Translator of the Month for April is Chie Asada from Japan. She studied Swedish at Osaka University of Foreign studies in Japan, and she then learned Norwegian when spending a year in the South of Norway, attending a folk high school (“folkehøgskole”). At present, Chie is collaborating with a Norwegian colleague on translating works by Tarjei Vesaas. She is also teaching Norwegian at Osaka University part-time.


Birger Emanuelsen - Selected Title Author

We are happy to present our selected title author Birger Emanuelsen. He has written Before They Disappear – An attempt to understand what children are (original title: Før de forsvinner – et forsøk på å forstå hva barn er). The book is one of NORLA’s Selected Titles of the spring 2024.

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Kathrine Nedrejord - Selected Title Author

We are happy to present our selected title author Kathrine Nedrejord. She has written Save the Herd! (original title: Alt for flokken). The book is one of NORLA’s Selected Titles of the spring 2024.