Previous activities

May 23-May 26 2023

NORLA's activities during the Norwegian Literature Festival in Lillehammer

We are happy to host visits by several international groups during the Norwegian Festival of Literature in Lillehammer:

May 17-May 18 2023

NORLA's offices are closed May 17-18

NORLA’s offices are closed Wednesday May 17, due to Norway’s Constitution Day.
We wish everyone a Happy 17th of May!

Read more about the Norwegian celebration here and here.

May 11 2023

Arabic Translation Seminar in Oslo

As part of the preparation for Norway to be Guest of Honour at the Cairo Book Fair in 2024, NORLA is organising a seminar on Arabic translation on Thursday 11th of May. We are particularly interested in getting across to those who are already translating from Norwegian to Arabic, or those who would like to start. There are already a substantial amount of Norwegian literature in Arabic, but we need more translators!

We encourage everyone who would be interested to please get in touch.

Time: Thursday 11th of May. Talk and workshop from 2 pm to 6.30 pm, followed by dinner.
Place: Fritt Ord’s premises, Uranienborgveien 2.

May 9 2023

Dutch Translation Seminar in den Haag

On Tuesday 9th of May, NORLA and the Norwegian Embassy in den Haag are organising a seminar for dutch publishers on current Norwegian fiction. NORLA’s Selected Titles will be presented by NORLA’s representative and dutch translators, followed by speed-dating with the publishers. The seminar will be concluded with a lunch.

April 27-April 30 2023

Nine Norwegian authors and NORLA to Leipzig Book Fair

Are you going to the book fair in Leipzig this year? If so, you will be able to meet a big team of Norwegian authors, as well as NORLA.
All nine Norwegian authors participating have recently published their book in German:

April 18-April 20 2023

NORLA at the London Book Fair

Our Senior Adviser Oliver Møystad and Dirctor Margit Walsø will be attending this year’s London Book Fair.
Please contact Oliver in advance, should you like to book a meeting. NORLA is present at table G101 in IRC.

April 13 2023

Open half-day seminar on Ukrainian language and co-translation

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, there has been a great demand in Norway for Ukrainian language skills as well as knowledge about the country itself. One way of gaining insight into Ukraine’s history, culture and mentality is through fiction. Many Norwegian publishers want to publish fiction by Ukrainian authors, however there is currently a lack of qualified translators of Ukrainian to Norwegian.

April 3-April 11 2023

Easter break in NORLA

We will close for the Easter holidays from Monday, April 3. The office will reopen on Tuesday, April 11.
We wish you all a pleasant holiday!

April 1 2023

Application deadline: Translation subsidy for Norwegian fiction

Read more about the translation subsidy for Norwegian fiction here.

Foreign publishers may also apply for production subsidies for children’s and young adult’s picture books by Norwegian authors and illustrators.
Read more about the scheme here.

March 27 2023

Deadline: Nominate candidates for NORLA’s Translator's Award 2022 and 2023

NORLA annually hands out an award to a talented emerging translator of Norwegian literature. The award is given for translations directly from Norwegian as an encouragement towards continued efforts.
This year, during our translator’s conference at Kløfta in Norway, we will be handing out TWO awards:

The 2022 award will be given to a translator of non-fiction, and the 2023 award will be given to a translator of fiction.

March 6-March 9 2023

NORLA to the Bologna Book Fair

NORLA is once again looking forward to participating in the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in Italy, where the Norwegian book industry will be assembled on one large stand: Hall 30 – B26 – C23.
Contact us if you would like to arrange a meeting.

March 2 2023

Book trade meeting in Lisbon

On March 2, the Norwegian Embassy in Lisbon and NORLA will be holding a book trade meeting for Portuguese publishers and translators to raise awareness of Norwegian literature.
The program includes information about current Norwegian literature and NORLA’s grant schemes as well as a speed-dating session between publishers and translators. Author Nina Lykke will also present her writing.

March 1 2023

Application deadline: Sample translation of Norwegian literature

Publishers, agents and translators abroad and in Norway can apply to NORLA for subsidies for sample translations.
Read more here.

March 1 2023

London: Literary event in residence in association with the Crown Prince couple's official visit to Great Britain

Between February 28 and March 2, the Crown Prince couple will be making an official visit to Great Britain. In this regard, NORLA along with the Royal Norwegian Embassy in London will be hosting a literary event in residence on Wednesday, March 1, with the authors Lars Mytting, Siri Helle and Karl Ove Knausgård, moderated by bookseller Nic Bottomley.
For invited British booksellers, translators and literary players.

February 14 2023

Tokyo - book trade meeting on graphic novels / children's and young adult literature

NORLA and the Norwegian Embassy in Tokyo will be holding a book trade meeting on Tuesday 14 February.
Here, Japanese editors and scouts will be able to meet Norwegian authors and literary agents, and the Norwegian participants will get the chance to become better acquainted with the Japanese publishing industry.