Previous activities

February 26 2024

Application deadline: Fellowship in Oslo 2024: Adult fiction

NORLA invites foreign publishers, editors, and scouts of adult fiction to apply for our fellowship program, which this year will take place in Oslo from June 4th – 7th.
Application deadline is Monday, February 26, 2024, at 12.00 (CET).

February 1 2024

Application deadline: Translation subsidy and Production subsidy

Please note that there are new application deadlines in 2024, with three deadlines in total, for Norwegian books in all genres:
1 February, 1 April and 1 November

January 24 2024-February 6 2024

Norway is Guest of Honor at the Cairo Interational Book Fair

We look forward to presenting a broad and attractive programme, targeting both a general audience and the book industry.

January 17-January 19 2024

NORLA to meet Nordic colleagues in Copenhagen

Representatives from NORLA’s staff will be attending a seminar with our Nordic colleagues – members of the NordLit network – January 17-19.
The employees at the Nordic literary offices meet annually, and this year the meeting will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark.

December 21 2023-January 2 2024

Holiday hours at NORLA

At NORLA we will close for the Christmas holiday Wednesday afternoon, December 20.
The office will reopen on Tuesday, January 2.

We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

December 19 2023

Meeting of NORLA’s expert committee for fiction

Meeting of NORLA’s expert committee for fiction, for the consideration of applications for translation subsidies with deadline 15 November.

December 5 2023

Ukrainian literature and collaborative translation - launch of a special issue of literary journal Tidsskriftet Mellom

Since spring, NORLA, the Norwegian Association of Literary Translators, the Ukrainian Association in Oslo, and Tidsskriftet Mellom have been working on a joint project.
The purpose has been to contribute to the recruitment of more translators from Ukrainian to Norwegian; over the past year, it has become evident that there is a glaring lack of this expertise in this area. Our response has been to connect NORLA’s contacts who translate from Norwegian to Ukrainian with members of the Norwegian Association of Literary Translators. From here, we created six “translator pairs” who have translated a selection of texts written by Ukrainian authors from the 19th century to the present. The selection was curated by Iryna Sabor and has been titled “With Words as Resistance”.

December 5 2023

Meeting of NORLA’s expert committee for non-fiction

Meeting of NORLA’s expert committee for non-fiction, for the consideration of applications for translation subsidies with deadline 1 October.

November 25 2023-December 3 2023

NORLA and Norwegian authors to Guadalajara

In collaboration with the Norwegian Embassy in Mexico, NORLA will once again have a stand at the book fair in Guadalajara, Mexico.
FIL Guadalajara is the world’s largest Spanish-language book fair, with a significant number of visitors and industry participants from all over Latin America and the rest of the world. NORLA has been present for several years, and in 2022, we had our own stand for the first time. This year, authors Jens K. Styve and Nina Lykke have been invited to participate in the book fair’s program, and two Norwegian literary agents will also be present at the Norwegian stand to get to know the Mexican and Latin American publishing industry.

November 15 2023

Application deadline: Translation subsidy for Norwegian fiction

Read more about the translation subsidy for Norwegian fiction here.

Foreign publishers may also apply for production subsidies for children’s and young adult’s picture books by Norwegian authors and illustrators.
Read more about the scheme here.

November 7 2023

Book trade meeting in Munich

In connection with their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit’s visit to Germany in November, NORLA and the Norwegian Embassy in Berlin are organizing a book trade meeting for the Norwegian and German publishing and bookselling industry in cooperation with the German Börsenverein.
This will also mark the beginning of Norway’s upcoming Guest of Honour initiative in Leipzig 2025!

October 29-October 31 2023
United Arab Emirates

NORLA at the Sharjah International Book Fair

As part of the preparations for Norway’s Guest of Honour participation in the Cairo Book Fair in January, NORLA will be attending the Sharjah International Book Fair in the United Arab Emirates from October 29th to 31st. This is an important rights fair that will provide a broad network and overview of the entire Arabic-language publishing world.
NORLA will participate in the book fair’s publishers conference, which is aimed at the part of the international and Arabic language publishing industry involved in rights sales.

October 27 2023
Poland, Warsaw

The Norwegian Day. Non-fiction literature forum

Venue: The Show-Window of the Eastern House, Plac Konstytucji 6, Warsaw
Time: 17:00


  • Presentation of the book “The Road North: An Anthology of Norwegian Non-Fiction Literature”*
  • Meeting with Aage Borchgrevink, human rights activist, member of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, and the author of the book The Rise and Rule of a Kremlin Warlord (see also NORLA’s interview)
  • Debate “Narrating Eastern Europe and Central Asia: The Role of Non-Fiction Literature”, with, among others, Aage Borchgrevink and Dina Roll-Hansen (NORLA)

See detailed programme in the Facebook-event.

“The Norwegian Day. Non-fiction literature forum” will be conducted entirely in two languages, Polish and English, with simultaneous translation.

October 18-October 22 2023

NORLA at Frankfurter Buchmesse

NORLA will be present at this year’s Frankfurter Buchmesse. You are invited to come by and visit us at the Norwegian common stand at 4.1/C24.
We are very much looking forward to meeting contacts both old and new!

Please contact us should you like to book an appointment.

October 16 2023

Chinese media visit to Norway

The Norwegian Embassy in Beijing is inviting seven Chinese journalists/writers/influencers to Oslo and Bergen to promote Norwegian literature and culture. October 16th is dedicated to literature.
The guests will visit the Deichman library and the Future Library forest, and will also be coming to NORLA for a briefing on NORLA’s work and literature from Norway.