Meet the Authors
Behind every title, there is an author – sometimes an illustrator as well.
Here you can learn more about our selected-title authors.

Ellen Viste - Selected Title Author
Ellen Viste writes about the air around us which is always invisible – but never empty. – Except from when it storms, it is mainly when we feel the wind against us, that we notice it. How does the wind form nature, and what does it mean to us humans? she asks in her book Tales of the Wind.

Dag O. Hessen - Selected Title Author
Dag O. Hessen has written a book for those who long for, and have a strong love for, nature. – It is a homage to the wild nature, manifested by the almost mythological wolverine, the hunt to see it in the mountains, and everything else once can see on the way, he says.

Ivo De Figueiredo - Selected Title Author Autumn 2023
Ivo de Figueiredo thinks Edvard Munch’s breakthrough in Europe didn’t happen despite of his provincial background, but because of it. In The Storm. A Biography of Edvard Munch he depicts Munchs’ life and artistry.

Tove Gravdal and Dag Nylander - Selected Title Authors
The agreement between Farc and the government in Colombia is a sort of golden standard for international peace agreements. Out of the Jungle is about this peace process, which went on from 2011 to 2016. – Dag’s perspective is unique, since he was there from the beginning to the end, and knew everyone and spoke to everyone involved, the authors explain.

Thomas Hylland Eriksen - Selected Title Author
Thomas Hylland Eriksen has always been interested in the meaning of life. – As a social anthropologist and a Curious George, I have learnt a lot from other people, and felt that now was the time to think through and disseminate some of what I have learnt, he says.

Trond Bredesen - Selected Title Author
Trond Bredesen has written a book about his mother’s dementia. – The book is about my mother’s last living years at an institution. How she never found her feet there, how she wanted to go home to her family and how she gradually got weaker and weaker until she couldn’t get up from bed, he says.

Pedro Carmona-Alvarez - Selected Title Author
Pedro Carmona-Alvarez has always known he wanted to write this book, he just didn’t know how. This changed when he saw an eight year old girl watching the suffering body of Jesus on the cross. – The mutilated body and the child’s eyes, gave me the chance to enter the story, he says.

Monica Isakstuen - Selected Title Author
Monica Isakstuen has written about what it means, and if it is even possible, to meet your own children where they are. – To think if it was possible to have the same age as one’s own children, if so only for a moment. I am deeply fascinated by (and feel a fear of!) the fact that we as humans are so locked into our age and the role it contains right now, she says.

Brit Bildøen - Selected Title Author
Brit Bildøen writes about a familty gathering that doesn’t quite go as planned. In fact, it goes terribly wrong. – I think it is interesting to put my characters through unexpected things, or to put pressure on them and see what happens, she says.

Heidi Mittun-Kjos - Selected Title Author
With the hopes of saving the family house that’s about to fall apart, the main character in Girls in Trees goes back to the island where the family is from. – In a way, we are all vague echoes of our earlier generations. We carry a heritage of different tools to handle what comes our way, Heidi Mittun-Kjos says.

Lotta Elstad - Selected Title Author
Lotta Elstad has written a feminist novel set in Oslo hundred years ago. – This novel suits best for those who can handle reading about women that don’t act exactly as they should – and hopefully that is many, she says.

Simon Stranger - Selected Title Author
Simon Stranger has written about a murder case from real life, which is closely connected to his own family. – This book is for everyone who enjoys novels of the more serious kind, and especially those who are interested in the second world war, he says.