Bjørn Hatterud - Selected Title Author
Bjørn Hatterud has written about his old tower block, and how an area in Oslo has changed through thirteen years. – The book is about power and the divide between high and low status, he says.

Simon Stranger - Selected Title Author
Simon Stranger has written about a murder case from real life, which is closely connected to his own family. – This book is for everyone who enjoys novels of the more serious kind, and especially those who are interested in the second world war, he says.

Nikolaj Frobenius - Selected Title Author
In ‘Exctinction’ Nikolaj Frobenius tells the story of Jonathan, who is paralyzed with sorrow after his son died in an arson attack. – The novel raises questions about whether violence is sometimes the only – and just – solution, he says.

Tore Renberg - Selected Title Author
Tore Renberg tries to go back in time to grasp why humans do as they do. – Is this possible? I mean, travel all the way back to the 17th century? No. Or yes! The magic of literature, to speak in grand words, exists. If it didn’t, I would have never become a reader in the first place, and consequently, never an author, he says.

Poem of the Week, week 41: Claes Gill "Youth in Full Flight"
Enjoy a weekly poem by authors from Norway, throughout the year.

NORLA congratulates Jon Fosse as the Nobel Prize laureate in literature
It is with great pleasure that we congratulate Jon Fosse with the Nobel Prize in Literature 2023!

Katarzyna Tunkiel – Translator of the Month for October
Katarzyna Tunkiel has worked with literary translation for 15 years, and translated over 70 books from Norwegian to Polish, mainly fiction and children’s literature. Get to know October’s Translator of the Month!

Poem of the Week, week 40: Knut Ødegård "Earthsong"
Enjoy a weekly poem by authors from Norway, throughout the year.

See NORLA’s Selected Titles for the Autumn!
We at NORLA are proud and also thrilled to present our selected titles for the autumn:
25 wonderful books which are divided into fiction and non-fiction, for both adults, children and young adults.

Poem of the Week, week 39: Kate Næss "Mist"
Enjoy a weekly poem by authors from Norway, throughout the year.

A fond farewell to Ellen!
We must share some bittersweet news: Our colleague Ellen Trautmann Olerud, adviser for international markets, has her last day at NORLA today.
Translation Subsidy – changes in our routines
NORLA is committed to continuing to support the export of Norwegian literature through our scheme for translation subsidies. To maintain the scheme’s effectiveness, NORLA has introduced a few changes to the process. We are excited to improve our existing solutions.