Week 32: Johanne Fronth-Nygren "I Stick the Key"
Enjoy a weekly poem by authors from Norway, throughout the year.

Poem of the Week, week 31: Rolf Jacobsen "A Path Through Grass"
Enjoy a weekly poem by authors from Norway, throughout the year.

Poem of the Week, week 30: Cathrine Grøndahl "Can Trees File Suit?"
Enjoy a weekly poem by authors from Norway, throughout the year.

Poem of the Week, week 29: Paal-Helge Haugen "the unknown"
Enjoy a weekly poem by authors from Norway, throughout the year.

Meet Leonardo Pinto Silva - Translator of the Month for July
Leonardo Pinto Silva has translated a range of books, both fiction and non-fiction, and used to live in Karmøy. Learn more about July’s Translator of the Month below.

Poem of the Week, week 28: Marie Takvam "I am Alone"
Enjoy a weekly poem by authors from Norway, throughout the year.

NORLA's Translator's Prize 2023 to Guilherme da Silva Braga
Guilherme da Silva Braga has been awarded NORLA’s Translator’s Prize for 2023 for his outstanding work on translating Norwegian fiction to Brazilian Portuguese. Congratulations from all of us in NORLA!

NORLA's Translator's Prize 2022 to Leonardo Pinto Silva
Leonardo is an experienced translator of both fiction and non-fiction, but receives this prize for his effort in translating non-fiction to Brazilian Portuguese. Congratulations from all of us in NORLA!

Poem of the Week, week 27: Anne Bøe "Yet Ferns Spread Their Spores"
Enjoy a weekly poem by authors from Norway, throughout the year.

Poem of the Week, week 26: Ruth Lillegraven "Mother and Father"
Enjoy a weekly poem by authors from Norway, throughout the year.

Poem of the Week, week 25: Henrik Wergeland "With a Bouquet"
Enjoy a weekly poem by authors from Norway, throughout the year.

NORLA's Translator's Conference is happening at the end of June
26-28 June 2023, NORLA is hosting a large-scale conference for translators of literature from Norway, at Lily Country Club outside of Oslo. Just a few days left now, and we are very much looking forward to welcoming 150 translators from all over the world to Kløfta!
The conference is financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.