
Meet the translators of the month

The translators of the month for August and September are the British-Norwegian translation duo Deborah Dawkin and Erik Skuggevik. They are currently making headlines with new translations of four of Henrik Ibsen’s best known dramas, which have just been published by Penguin Classics.
Together they have also translated a broad spectrum of Norwegian titles, from fiction and non-fiction to graphic novels.

If you read Norwegian you can become better acquainted with Deborah and Erik here.


Missing e-mails sent to NORLA 27 and/or 28 July

At NORLA we are back from our summer holidays, and we have today learned that any e-mails sent us Wednesday 27 July and Thursday 28 July have unfortunately not reached us, due to technical problems following a system update not initiated by us.
Everyone who has sent us e-mails July 27 and 28 should have received a notice about delay in our e-mail system.
But since all e-mails sent July 27 and 28 have failed to reach us, we do hope you are able to resend you e-mail to the original e-mail address, including attachments etc.

Prolonged application deadline:
Due to these technical problems, we prolong the August 1 application deadline, for both translation subsidy for Norwegian fiction AND for author and lecturer visits to institutions of higher learning abroad.
The new application deadline is through Thursday 3 August.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused!


Summer Greeting from NORLA’s Director Margit Walsø

The most important news item of the spring for Norwegian cultural life was that Norway was named Guest of Honour for the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2019. In the speech given by the Minister of Culture in conjunction with the signing of the agreement, she emphasized that Norway has hereby acquired a unique position for the internationalization of Norwegian literature and culture through the book fair’s strong position in the important German market and worldwide. The Guest of Honour project provides great opportunities for Norwegian authors and for increasing the export of literature in the coming years. The book trade’s combined investment will be crucial and Norwegian Book Day in June clearly demonstrated that the industry is prepared to make the most of this opportunity. Activities commence now. NORLA’s talent development programme for new literary voices within all genres will start up in the autumn, in collaboration with Talent Norway and the Norwegian Publishers Association.


NORLA’s talent programme for young authors confirmed

Upon the signing of the agreement between NORLA and Frankfurter Buchmesse for Norway as Guest of Honour at the Book Fair in 2019, the talent programme for young authors in Norway was confirmed. The development programme for new author talents will be organized through a collaborative agreement with Talent Norway (Talent Norge). The Norwegian Publishers Association will also contribute generously to the programme.

Recruitment is an important aspect of the work of Norway as Guest of Honour and Margit Walsø, NORLA’s director, emphasizes that cultivating new literary voices internationally is an important goal of the Frankfurt initiative. The long-term timeframe leading up to 2019 and the collaboration with Talent Norge will provide the opportunity to flush out unknown talents from Norway’s abundant literary underbrush.

In the years leading up to 2019, 20-30 authors will receive an offer of participation in a development programme focusing on the international aspects of the author profession. The programme will facilitate development through the exchange of experiences, travel, lectures, activities and network building.


Successful Translators Seminar at the Norwegian Festival of Literature in Lillehammer


Jørn Lier Horst presented with the Petrona Award 2016

Jørn Lier Horst is the winner of the Petrona Award 2016 for ‘Best Scandinavian Crime Novel of the Year’ for his novel The Caveman. NORLA offers its warmest congratulations!


Joy and enthusiasm in Norway for Guest of Honour status at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2019

There was joy and enthusiasm all around in the National Theatre in Oslo on 12 May 2016, as the agreement between the Frankfurter Buchmesse and NORLA, Norwegian Literature Abroad, was signed and officially confirming Norway as Guest of Honour at the book fair in 2019.
NORLA’s director Margit Walsø welcomed an enthusiastic audience and revealed that NORLA has been working towards the realization of the Guest of Honour project for about three years.
The Norwegian Minister of Culture, Linda Hofstad Helleland, held an enthusiastic speech welcoming this unique opportunity for Norwegian literature and culture to make an even bigger impression abroad. She also encouraged more privat sponsors to seize the opportunity to come aboard, to make the most of the project’s fantastic possibilities of Norwegian branding abroad.


Norway confirmed as Guest of Honour at the Frankfurter Buchmesse 2019

On 12 May at 2 PM, in the lobby of the National Theatre in Oslo, NORLA’s Director Margit Walsø and Frankfurter Buchmesse’s Director Juergen Boos signed the agreement confirming Norway as Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2019.


Lars Mytting awarded the British Book Industry Award for best Non-Fiction book 2016

At NORLA, we offer our very warmest congratulations to Lars Mytting on his international bestseller Norwegian Wood being awarded the British Book Industry Award as best Non-Fiction book 2016!


Warm welcome for Norwegian literature in Japan

Norwegian authors and NORLA were recently in Japan and were greeted with an overwhelming interest in Norwegian literature. On 6−10 March, there was a seminar on Norwegian literature, organized in collaboration with the Norwegian Embassy in Tokyo. The seminar was designed for publishers and translators, and was about crime fiction, children’s and picture books, and translation.

The Norwegian participants were author Jørn Lier Horst, author and illustrator Mari Kanstad Johnsen, translator Anne-Lande Peters, publisher Svein Størksen (Magikon) and literature agent Hans Petter Bakketeig (Stilton Literary Agency), along with NORLA’s Director Margit Walsø and NORLA’s Senior Adviser Dina Roll-Hansen.
The programme also included eminent Japanese participants, who gave presentations or took part as moderators.


Fourth season of NORLA's translators hotel

At April 19, NORLA had the pleasure of welcoming four new translators to Oslo for the fourth season of our translators hotel at Hotell Bondeheimen:
Rositsa G. Tsvetanova (Bulgarian), Sofija Vukovic (Serbian), Martin Aitken (British) and Olga Drobot (Russian).

We look forward to spending the next two weeks in their company!


NORLA offers its warmest congratulations to Liv Køltzow, winner of the Gyldendal Prize 2015!

The Gyldendal Prize is a publisher’s prize of 400,000 NOK, awarded annually by Norwegian publishing house Gyldendal Norsk Forlag.