Picture of the translator Siân Mackie. Photo: Julian Porter Photography

Siân Mackie – Translator of the Month

November’s translator of the month is Siân Mackie, who translates into English. She was born in Scotland and now lives on the south coast of England. She has an MA in Scandinavian Studies and an MSc in Literary Translation as a Creative Practice from the University of Edinburgh. Siân has translated a wide range of titles from all three Scandinavian languages; from young adult and children’s literature to thrillers and non-fiction.
Siân was selected for the National Centre for Writing Emerging Translator Mentorship in 2014, through which she was mentored by Don Bartlett. She also has experience of translating theatre, having participated in theatre company Foreign Affairs’ mentoring programme for translators and the Royal Court International Residency for Emerging Playwrights.
In 2019, her translation from Danish of Bjarne Reuter’s Elise and the Second-hand Dog was nominated for the prestigious CILIP Carnegie Medal, which is awarded by children’s librarians. More recently, her translation of A Postcard to Ollis, written by Ingunn Thon and illustrated by Nora Brech, was the only book in translation to be nominated for the same prize for 2021. Congratulations from all of us at NORLA! (Read more).


NORLA's Translator’s Award for 2020 goes to Lucy Moffatt

NORLA’s Translator’s Award alternates between fiction and non-fiction, and in 2020 it is going to a translator who has truly excelled herself in the field of non-fiction. The award includes a prize of NOK 20,000 and a stay of up to three weeks in the writer’s flat at the House of Literature in Oslo.

This year’s award winner has translated a significant number of the most important non-fiction titles in recent years. Lucy Moffatt has in a short time proven to be a dedicated, stylistically-aware and quality-conscious Norwegian translator. She began translating Norwegian as late as 2014, but has clearly managed to distinguish herself already.

Watch our film about this year’s award winner here


Details about this autumn's digital book trade meetings

This autumn we at NORLA have the pleasure of collaborating with several Norwegian embassies and consulates to present Norwegian literature through a number of book trade meetings, both digital and physical. Norwegian literary agents will participate in several of the meetings and the target groups are foreign publishers and translators. Our autumn selected title films will also be presented.
All details with the dates, places and genres can be found in the calendar on our website.

See the overview here


Great success for digital book fair in Frankfurt

Last week, the Frankfurter Buchmesse went live in a digital format. We are pleased to learn about the good fair attendance, especially for the new digital meeting places, in addition to a high number of views worldwide of the programs and events.
Read more.

The weekend was dedicated to the fair’s own festival BOOKFEST digital, with 28 hours of broadcasting.
Did you miss the Norwegian event? We now have the pleasure of sharing the film presenting the unique art project Future Library.
Watch it here.


Digital book trade meetings in collaboration with Norwegian embassies and consulates

NORLA has been preparing for a digital autumn and we have had a great response from the embassies about presenting Norwegian literature.


Our collaboration with German bookstores continues

It is now a year since German bookstores, NORLA and the Norwegian Embassy in Berlin completed the final preparations for Norway as Guest of Honour at Frankfurter Buchmesse. We have maintained the connections and friendships established over the last few years and continued the good cooperation we have with the German bookstores in 2020.


Paul Russell Garrett - Translator of the Month

October’s translator of the month is Paul Russell Garrett, who translates from Norwegian into English. Paul is originally from Canada, but has lived in London for almost twenty years. He took a degree in Scandinavian Studies at UCL, with a focus on Danish, Old Norse, Literature and History. At the University of Copenhagen he delved even deeper into Danish, studying Danish language, linguistics and translation. Paul also has experience teaching Danish at universities, college and privately. He first started translating Danish literature and drama, but soon moved into Norwegian, so far translating Lars Mytting’s The Sixteen Trees of the Somme, John Arne Riise’s biography, penned by Jens M Johansson, The Running Man, as well as Eirik Vold’s biography, Hugo Chávez: the Bolivarian Revolution from Up Close. Paul has a special place in his heart for theatre and has done a lot of work with drama — as a translator and more. His translation of Ibsen’s A Doll’s House was staged in London’s West End in 2012. He’s now in charge of the theatre translator mentoring programme for the London-based theatre company, Foreign Affairs.


NORLA took part in an input meeting about the national tourism strategy

Innovation Norway will be directing the work on the national tourism strategy. The process involves relevant actors from various industries and sectors, including businesses from tourist destinations, local municipalities, knowledge communities and the industry itself; and almost 300 of these, including NORLA, have taken part in the input meetings. The strategy development is being based on the important opportunities and challenges within tourism, and will offer proposals for new solutions and measures towards a more profitable and sustainable Norwegian tourism sector.

Read more (in Norwegian only)


NORLA’s book tips for the 2020 International Translation Day

We at NORLA want to showcase the crucial work translators do, and this week we will be celebrating the patron saint of translators, St. Hieronymus. Even though our task is promoting Norwegian literature, we like to use the occasion of “Hieronymus day” to recommend good books that have been translated well into Norwegian.
Thank you to all the translators out there who make world literature available to us!


Happy World Kid Lit Month 2020!

September is World Kid Lit Month, an initiative focusing on disseminating literature for young readers written in languages other than English, and books that are available in English translation.


NORLA's selected titles are presented to the world

Every spring and autumn, NORLA presents a selection of current Norwegian books to international publishers and translators at book fairs and seminars. This autumn we did things differently and invited the authors and illustrators to present their books in a series of short films which were then presented to fiction and non-fiction editors, and translators, at three tailor-made webinars.


NORLA’s autumn 2020 selected titles are ready!

We at NORLA are very proud and happy to present our selected titles for this autumn: 24 great books divided into fiction and non-fiction, for both adults, and children and young adults.

See our selected titles here.

This year we have also made short films where the authors and illustrators present their titles. You may watch the films on YouTube.