Previous activities

November 13 2020

Digital book trade meeting in Shanghai

Digital and physical book trade meeting focusing on children’s and young adults’ literature. Agencies Hagen Agency, by Eirin Hagen, and Oslo Literary Agency, by Evy Tillman, take part digitally, alongside illustrators Mari Kanstad Johnsen and illustratør Linnea Vestre.
Organized in cooperation with the Royal Norwegian Consulate General in Shanghai.

November 13 2020

BookTarg, Poland with presentation by NORLA

NORLA’s Senior Adviser Dina Roll-Hansen will, during the digital book industry event BookTarg, give a talk titled “Literature export in unpredictable times. New Norwegian narrative non-fiction”.
She will also briefly present Norwegian translation subsidy schemes that may be of interest to Polish publishers and translators.

November 11 2020

Digital book trade meeting in New York

Digital book trade meeting with a focus on non-fiction. Speed dating with Norwegian agents. NORLA’s selected title films will be screened.
Organized in cooperation with the Royal Norwegian Consulate General in New York.

November 9 2020

Digital book trade meeting in Poland

Digital book trade meeting focusing on all genres. NORLA’s selected title films will be screened.
Organized in cooperation with the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Warsaw.

November 3 2020

Digital book trade meeting in Denmark

Digital book trade meeting with a focus on non-fiction, with screening of our “selected title films” Speed dating with Norwegian agents.
Organized in cooperation with the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Copenhagen.

October 29 2020

Webinar in The Netherlands

Webinar focusing on children’s and young adults’ literature, with screening of our selected title films. Organized in collaboration with translator Paula Stevens and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in den Haag.

October 27 2020

Meeting of NORLA’s committee of experts for non-fiction

Meeting of NORLA’s committee of experts for non-fiction (for the consideration of applications for translation subsidies with deadline 1 October).

Read more about the translation subsidy here.

October 22 2020

Digital book trade meeting in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou

Digital book trade meeting in collaboration with the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Beijing and the Consulates General in Shanghai and Guangzhou.
The focus will be on all genres, with screening of our selected title films.

October 16-October 25 2020

Seoul International Book Fair

Norwegian program with the selected title films and digital meetings about fiction and children’s and young adults’ literature.
Organized in cooperation with the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Seoul.

October 1 2020

Application deadline: Translation subsidy for Norwegian non-fiction

Read more about the translation subsidy for Norwegian non-fiction here.

Foreign publishers may also apply for production subsidies for the publication of Norwegian non-fiction containing a large number of illustrations or with exceptionally demanding technical production requirements.
Read more about the scheme here.

September 25 2020

The Conclusion of Literature Go Global

On Friday 25 September, the export program Literature Go Global will come to an end with a scaled-down closing conference for the program’s participating companies.

Five international speakers will take part digitally with keynotes: Isobel Dixon from Blake Friedmann Literary Agency (UK); Yasmina Jraissati from RAYA, the Agency for Arabic Literature (FR / LB); Patrick Walsh from PEW Literary (UK); Linda Altrov Berg from Norstedts Agency (SE); and Rebecca Servadio from London Literary Scouting (UK). The seven participating companies will be present at Sentralen in Oslo.

The keynotes are now available on NORLA’s YouTube-channel. Watch them here

September 15 2020

Application deadline: Sample translation of Norwegian literature

Publishers, agents and translators abroad and in Norway can apply to NORLA for subsidies for sample translations.
Read more here.

September 9 2020

Meeting of NORLA’s committee of experts for fiction

Meeting of NORLA’s committee of experts for fiction (for the consideration of applications for translation subsidies with deadline 1 August).

Read more about the translation subsidy here.

August 1 2020

Application deadline: Translation subsidy for Norwegian fiction

Read more about the translation subsidy for Norwegian fiction here.

Foreign publishers may also apply for production subsidies for children’s and young adult’s picture books by Norwegian authors and illustrators.
Read more about the scheme here.

June 29 2020-August 2 2020

NORLAs offices are closed for summer holidays

At NORLA our summer holiday begins on Monday, 29 June.
The office will open again on Monday, 3 August.

NORLA would like to thank you all for a pleasant collaboration so far this year.