
Get to know our Selected Titles Authors of the Autumn

We are happy to offer readable insightful interviews with the authors and illustrators of our 25 Selected Titles of the autumn.
We invite you to get better aquainted with the books and the people who wrote and illustrated them!


Carl Frode Tiller: A Worker’s Heart – Book 1
(Original title: Arbeidarhjerte 1)

Johan Harstad: Under the Paving-Stones, the Beach!
(Original title: Under brosteinen, stranden!)

Kathrine Nedrejord: The Sami Problem
(Original title: Sameproblemet)

Kyrre Andreassen: Not People I can Depend on
(Original title: Ikke mennesker jeg kan regne med)

Hilde Rød-Larsen: In The House of Pantaloon
(Original title: I Pantalones hus)

Gaute Heivoll: My Time in These Woods
(Original title: Min tid i disse skogene)

Maren Skolem: The Doors are Closing
(Original title: Dørene lukkes)

Anne Elvedal: You Can Call Me Jan
(Original title: Du kan kalle meg Jan)


Petter Bøckman: Animals like us
(Original title: Oss dyr imellom)

Ingvild Holtan-Hartwig: The Tundra Doctor
(Original title: Legen på vidda. Et år i Karasjok)

Ivo de Figueiredo: The Storm – A Biography of Edvard Munch
(Original title: Stormen – En biografi om Edvard Munch)

Bjørn Berge: Smell – The tale of a fading sense
(Original title: Lukt. Fortellingen om en falmet sans)
The book is illustrated with monoprints by visual artist Anette Rosenberg.

Even Moland: Rising Tides: The planet’s heart and lungs, the fragile life in the deep, and how to protect it
(Original title: En sjanse i havet. Planetens hjerte og lunger, det sårbare livet i havdypet – og hvordan vi kan bevare det)

Are Kalvø: Only Countryfolk Long for Home
(Original title: Berre bønder lengtar heim)

Lars Fr. H. Svendsen: Stupidity, Idiocy and Stupid Idiots – A Philosophy of Idiocy
(Original title: Dumhet, idioti og dumme idioter. Hvorfor du bør tenke selv – og sammen med andre)

Darya Shut: The Price of Freedom. My Father, Me, and the Dictator
(Original title: Frihetens pris – min far, jeg og diktatoren)

Books for Children and Young Adults

Per Dybvig: The Line
(Original title: De står i kø)

Hilde Myklebust: The Piglet with the straight tail
(Original title: Grisungen med den rette halen)
The book is illustrated by Bård Sletvold Torkildsen

Ane Barmen: Melody!
The book is illustrated by Skinkeape

Kåre Conradi: An Enemy of the People – Henrik Ibsen for children
(Original title: Ibsens En folkefiende)
The book is illustrated by Sunniva Fluge Hole.

Kirste Paltto: Strange Happenings at Wild Lake
(Original title in North Saami: Luohtojávrri oainnáhusat. Norwegian title: Underlige hendelser ved villmarkssjøen)
The book is illustrated by Sunna Kitti.

Pernille Tufte Radeid: Unsolved Mysteries from Around the World
(Original title: Uløste mysterier fra hele verden)
The book is illustrated by Jannicke Hansen.

Reidar Müller: Life is Dangerous! The Amazing Story of the Evolution of Life from Bacteria to You
(Original title: Livet er livsfarlig! Den utrolige historien om livets utvikling fra bakterier til deg)
The book is illustrated by Sigbjørn Lilleeng.

Andreas Tjernshaugen: Death-Defying Journeys: The Fantastic Tale of Migratory Birds That Fly Half-Way Around the World
(Original title:Fuglenes farlige ferd, den fantastiske fortellingen om trekkfuglene som flyr halve jorda rundt)
The book is illustrated by Sigbjørn Lilleeng.

Ida Therese Klungland: I regret nothing
(Original title: Jeg angrer ikke på noe)

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All the Selected Titles of the autumn