
The long-lists for the Norwegian Book-bloggers' prize 2015 announced

The longlists for the Norwegian Book-bloggers’ prize 2015 were announced on the 12th of January. The shortlists, made up by three titles in each category, will be presented on the 26th of January. The winners will be announced during the yearly book-blogger’s meeting in September. The nominees and winners are chosen by Norwegian book-bloggers. The main purpose with the award is to shed light on Norwegian literature, and create more interest in Norwegian literature among the book-bloggers.


NORLA’s activities in the 1st quarter 2015

This spring, NORLA’s staff look forward to attending several book fairs, events and literary festivals around the world. See detailed list below.
Feel free to contact us to schedule a meeting!


Norwegian authors and NORLA to the Crime Writers festival, New Dehli, 17-18 January


Translation subsidy - Upcoming application deadlines

We would like to remind foreign publishing houses that it is possible to apply for translation subsidies from NORLA for the publication of Norwegian books. The forthcoming application deadlines are:

1 April 2015 – for fiction
1 June 2015 – for non-fiction.


Norwegian playwright Jon Fosse introduced for Chinese readers

For the first time, Norwegian playwright Jon Fosse’s works have been translated into Chinese.
The milestone was marked by the international Jon Fosse festival (Fosse’s Blossoms) in Shanghai in November, staging five of his plays from five different countries – Russia, India, Italy, Iran and China.


Arts Council Norway's Honorary Award to Jan Erik Vold

NORLA warmly congratulates poet, author and translator Jan Erik Vold on his receiving Arts Council Norway’s Honorary Award 2014.

Read more about Jan Erik Vold here.

Read more about Arts Council Norway’s Honorary Award (in Norwegian) here.


A trip to India – and an interview with Kari Stai

It is our pleasure to be able to share an interview with the children’s book author and illustrator Kari Stai, who recently visited India to attend the children’s book festival Bookaroo in New Delhi and present her books about Jakob and Neikob. The trip received funding from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ developing nations programme Land i Sør.


Linn Ullmann’s «The Cold Song» - among the top titles of the year in the USA

Linn Ullmann’s highly praised novel The Cold Song (original title: Det dyrebare) was published in the US in the spring of 2014, and the novel is now appearing on several “Best books of the year”-listings. In The New York Times Book review The Cold Song is one of the “100 notable books of 2014”. The novel is also featured on the Independent Bookstore’s list of the 50 best books of the year, and Kirkus Reviews list of the best fiction of the year.

The book is translated from the Norwegian by Barbara J. Haveland and published through translation subsidy from NORLA.


Per Petterson's "I Refuse" one of the top titles of the year in the UK

NORLA congratulates Per Petterson on the enthusiastic praise of his novel I Refuse (Jeg nekter) in the English speaking world.
The Guardian describes the novel as “a masterful study of time”, and also includes it on its list of the best books of the year.
The novel is also chosen as one of the best books of the year by Paul Binding in TLS, Times Literary Supplement.


NORLA’s translators hotel is a huge success!

NORLA started in 2014 a pilot scheme for a translators hotel for translators of Norwegian literature. The scheme has been an unconditional success and will be renewed also in 2015.


Three Norwegian authors long-listed for the IMPAC Dublin Literary Award 2015

All of three Norwegian authors are long-listed for the prestigious IMPAC Dublin Literary Award 2015, based on the votes of librarians from 39 countries. All of us at NORLA congratulate Gaute Heivoll, Ingrid Storholmen and Karl Ove Knausgård (who has been nominated for the third time).


Lars Mytting wins the 2014 Norwegian Booksellers' Prize

NORLA offers its warmest congratulations to Lars Mytting on his receiving the 2014 Norwegian Booksellers’ Prize. The prize is awarded for his critically acclaimed novel The Flame Birches (original title: Svøm med dem som drukner).

Read more about Mytting (in German) here.

And read more about The Norwegian Booksellers’ Prize and see previous winners here.