Previous activities

March 6 2017

Application deadline (prolonged): Sample translation of Norwegian literature

Publishers, agents and translators abroad and in Norway can apply to NORLA for subsidies for sample translations.
Read more here.

Translators of Norwegian literature may also apply to NORLA for subsidies for sample translations from books of interest.
There are no application deadlines. Read more (in Norwegian) here.

March 2 2017

Meeting of NORLA’s committee of experts for non-fiction

Meeting of NORLA’s committee of experts for non-fiction (for the consideration of applications for translation subsidies with deadline 1 February).

Read more about the translation subsidy here.

February 1 2017

Application deadline: Translation subsidy for Norwegian non-fiction

Read more about the translation subsidy for Norwegian non-fiction here.

January 27-January 29 2017

Norwegian Crime Writers to Festival in India

Thomas Enger and Hans Olav Lahlum are participating at the NOIR LITERATURE FESTIVAL in New Delhi from January 27th – 29th , together with around 30 other writers and speakers. Most participants come from India, so the Norwegian writers will form an exotic element at the festival. Crime fiction is a young and growing genre in India, so the writers can count on a large and enthusiastic audience.

Both writers are published by British publishers, so their book can also reach an Indian audience.
This is the third year this festival is arranged, NORLA and Norwegian writers were present already in 2015.

Visit the festival’s website or Facebook page for more details.

January 26-January 28 2017

The first group of authors in NORLA’s talent programme «New Voices» meet for the start of the semester

NORLA’s talent programme for the development of new literary voices «New Voices» (Nye stemmer) is a part of the project of Norway as Guest of Honour nation at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2019. The programme has been established in collaboration with Talent Norge and the Norwegian Publishers Association. The recruitment of new talents is a key element in the work of Norway as Guest of Honour nation and an important part of this endeavour is the promotion of new literary voices internationally.

January 17-January 20 2017

NORLA to meet Nordic colleagues in Nuuk, Greenland

Director Margit Walsø, and Senior Advisers Andrine Pollen and Per Øystein Roland will be out of office January 17-20, attending a seminar with our Nordic colleagues.
The employees at the Nordic literary offices meet annually, and this year the meeting will take place in Nuuk, Greenland.

We look forward to exchanging experiences and future plans with our colleagues!

The Nordic literary offices all administer The Nordic Council of Ministers’ funding scheme for the translation of literature and drama from one Nordic language to another. Read more about the scheme here.

January 15 2017

Application deadline: Author and lecturer visits to institutions of higher learning abroad

NORLA administrates the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ scheme for travel grants for authors and lecturers who will visit institutions of higher learning abroad where instruction is given in the Norwegian language.
Read more here.

January 4 2017-March 31 2017

NORLA’s activities in the 1st quarter 2017

This spring, NORLA’s staff look forward to attending several book fairs, events and literary festivals around the world. See detailed list below.

Feel free to contact us to schedule a meeting!

We hope to see you!

December 8-December 10 2016
United States

Asle Skredderberget in New York

Asle Skredderberget will be participating at the New Literature From Europe Festival in New York, which takes place between the 7th and the 10th of December.

Have a look at the events he will be part of here.
On facebook:
8th of December: Inventing Realities
10th of December: Character Building
10th of December: In the Mother Tongue: A European Reading

Read more about the New Literature From Europe Festival here.
Read more about Asle Skredderberget and his books here and here.

(Photo: Christian Andersen)

November 30 2016-December 4 2016
Russian Federation

NORLA and Norwegian autors to attend Moscow Book Fair

NORLA will also be taking part this year in the book fair Non/fiction in Moscow.
Please contact us to schedule meetings with NORLA during the book fair.

Author and journalist Bår Stenvik will take part in the book fair to launch the Russian edition of his book Bluff.
The book is translated from the Norwegian by Anastasia Naumova and published by Alpina Publisher through translation subsidy from NORLA.
In addition to his program at the book fair, Bår Stenvik will take part in the international festival of literature, Spoken Word.

The historian and expert in the field of Svalbard, Thor Bjørn Arlov, will also be in Moscow during the book fair to to launch the Russian edition of his book The History of Svalbard.

The Norwegian program offers several readings by Bår Stenvik and Thor B. Arlov, a seminar for librarians on the books of 2016, a smaller semianar on books on psychology, and several events for children, including a consert with songs from. There will also be held four sessions at the Norwegian stand with translators of Norwegian literature, where a total of twelve translators take part.

See more info (in Russian) on the Norwegian book fair program on Facebook.

See Norwegian books recently published in Russian through NORLA’s translation subsidies here.

November 28 2016-December 2 2016

NORLA and Norwegian authors to attend book fair in Guadalajara, Mexico

The book fair in Guadalajara is the largest in the Spanish speaking world − and on the whole, one of the most pleasantly enjoyable fairs. NORLA will take part in the Guadalajara International Book Fair, as we have done the past two years, along with some of our Nordic sister organizations.
Please contact us if you would like to schedule a meeting. You will find NORLA at the foreign rights centre, table 99.

This year, two Norwegian authors will also be joining us in Guadalajara: Simon Stranger and Carl Frode Tiller. Stranger’s novel for adolescents Barsakh will be published by the Mexican publisher Nostra Ediciones / Panorama Editorial, translated by Pablo Osorio, and the first volume of Tiller’s trilogy Innsirkling (Encirclement) will be published by the Spanish publisher Sajalín Editores S.L, translated by Cristina Gómez Baggethun.
The Norwegian literary agency, Oslo Literary Agency, will also be taking part in the fair and will be present at the foreign rights centre, table 121.

See details on events featuring Simon Stranger here.
And details on events featuring Carl Frode Tiller here.

Pablo Osorio is NORLA’s Translator of the Month in November. If you read Norwegian, see our interview with him here.

See Norwegian books recently published in Spanish through NORLA’s translation subsidies here.

You may read more in Spanish about the Norwegian participation at the book fair here.

November 18-November 20 2016

NORLA, Norwegian authors and literary agents to attend Shanghai Children’s Book Fair

NORLA will once again take part in the book fair in Shanghai, which in its entirety is dedicated to literature for children and young people. Last year’s attendance resulted in massive interest in Norwegian authors and books and also many foreign right sales (read more). This year, author and illustrator Anna Fiske will present her books at the fair, and continue on a launch tour to Beijing and Guangzhou.
See a video interview with Anna Fiske.

Author Endre Lund Eriksen is also back in China this year. In 2013, his cartoon series about the Monsters in Dunderly (illustrated by Endre Skandfer) was published in Chinese book version by Tsinghua University Publishing House and became a major success (read more here). And now, the animation of the Dunderly-series will be shared with Chinese children and parents.

Read more about the Norwegian events in China here.

Would like to schedule a meeting with NORLA at our stand 2D0? Please contact us.

The following Norwegian literary agents will participate at this year’s fair, two of which have received a stipend from NORLA:
Evy Tillman Hegdal from Oslo Literary Agency
Eirin Hagen from Hagen Agency
Silje Mella from Cappelen Damm Agency
Svein Størksen from Magikon Publishing hose

See NORLA’s selection of titles presented at this year’s book fair in Chinese and English.

November 15 2016

Application deadline: Translation subsidy for Norwegian fiction

Read more about the translation subsidy for Norwegian fiction here.

November 10 2016-December 4 2016

Norway is Guest Country at the Stuttgarter Buchwochen 2016

Norway has been chosen as Guest Country at the Bookweeks in Stuttgart, which is one of Germany’s biggest book fairs. This year the fair takes place from 10 November until 4 December. The book fair attracts around 300 exhibitors/publishers and approx. 100,000 visitors. Six Norwegian authors will be presenting their books in German translation; Gard Sveen, Kjersti Annesdatter Skomsvold, Liv Marit Weberg, Morten A. Strøksnes, Roy Jacobsen and Tore Rem.

See all events with Norwegian authors/themes as a PDF here.

For details online, see the complete programme here.

The Norwegian events at the book fair have been made possible by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Berlin, in cooperation with NORLA. A lot of Norwegian books will be on display courtesy of members of the Norwegian Publishers’ Associasion. And in addition plenty of German translations of Norwegian books will be exhibited.

The exhibition of books makes up the core of the book fair in Stuttgart, and Norwegian books will be given a prominant setting. Throughout the duration of the book weeks, the six Norwegian authors will take part in several readings and events, and there will also be art exhibitions and screenings of films related to Norwegian topics.

Visit the Stuttgarter Buckwochen website.

Are you curious as to which Norwegian books that have recently been published in German (thorugh NORLA’s translation subsidy)?
Have a look at the book covers here.

November 8-November 10 2016

Norwegian writers and NORLA in Canada with HRH Crown Princess Mette-Marit

On Tuesday November 8, in connection with the official visit of the Crown Prince and Crown Princess in Canada in November, NORLA is arranging a seminar for Canadian publishers at the University of Toronto. The seminar is arranged in cooperation with the Norwegian embassy in Toronto and NORLA’s Canadian collleagues in Livres Canada Books. HRH Crown Princess Mette-Marit will be present at parts of the seminar. The Crown Princess will have a conversation with writers Erlend Loe, who is published by House of Anansi in Canada, and Hilde K. Kvalvaag. (See a video at the Royal Norwegian Court (Kongehuset)’s Facebook page). From NORLA Margit Walsø and Oliver Møystad will be present, and also publisher Anne Gaathaug from Kagge publishing house and rights director Ingvild Haugland from Cappelen Damm Agency take part.

Erlend Loe and Oliver Møystad will continue to St. John’s on Newfoundland, where a program for the public and students at Memorial University will take place on Thursday November 10. Here the Crown Princess will tell about her work with The Literary Train (see a video from the event by clicking here), and Erlend Loe will meet the Canadian writer Ed Riche, who is also published by House of Anansi Press.