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NORLA’s Translator’s Award for 2021 goes to Karolina Drozdowska

NORLA’s translator’s award was given out for the 16th time at the Bergen International Literary Festival on 12th February.
The prize is awarded to an emerging translator talent working directly from Norwegian to encourage their continued efforts in promoting Norwegian literature. The prize is awarded annually, alternating each year between translators of fiction and non-fiction. The fiction award is granted courtesy of Kristin Brudevoll’s Anniversary Fund.

NORLA’s translator’s award for 2021 is awarded to Karolina Drozdowska for her translations of fiction into Polish.

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Norway is the Guest of Honour of the Book Fair in Warsaw 2022

Norway will be the Guest of Honour at the Book Fair in Warsaw on 26 – 29 May 2022. The book fair takes place at the Palace of Culture and is the most important book fair in Poland.

The Guest of Honour project is organized by NORLA in close cooperation with the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Warsaw.

Stage 2 in the guest of honour pavilion. from the left inga ravna eira, biret risten sara and karen anne buljo photo sabine felber. norla

Happy Sami National Day!

Today is the Sami National Day, and everyone at NORLA offers our warmest congratulations to all our Sami friends and the Sami people: Læhkoeh biejjine – Vuorbbe biejvijn – Lihkku beivviin – Gratulerer med dagen!

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Fellowship program to Lillehammer 31 May – 2 June 2022

NORLA invites foreign publishers, editors, sub-agents and scouts to apply for our fellowship program at the Norwegian Festival of Literature in Lillehammer, 31 May – 2 June 2022. This year marks the physical opening of the newly established rights centre Lillehammer Rights at Scandic Victoria Hotel, where all fellows will get a table. The rights centre is a collaboration with the Norwegian Festival of Literature in Lillehammer. Additionally, we continue with the popular seminar where you will be introduced to New Voices from Norway. This year, participants of all genres and languages are welcome to apply.

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Kim Snoeijing and Lucy Pijttersen - February’s Translators of the Month

February’s Translators of the Month are Lucy Pijttersen and Kim Snoeijing from The Netherlands.
After leaving school, Kim worked at a law firm for several years before going on to study Norwegian language and literature in Groningen at the age of 27. While at university, she also worked at the Netherlands-based ‘Arctic Centre’ for three years which, back in the ‘80s, focused heavily on Svalbard and the country’s whaling history. It would be another 10 years before she started translating full-time. She primarily translates from Norwegian, but she has translated a number of Danish and Swedish books too. She also works as a proof-reader, which she will continue doing now that she no longer works in translation: she has just retired and is looking forward to enjoying a bit more time off!
Lucy began studying Norwegian language and literature in Groningen after leaving school – mainly out of pure curiosity and a bit coaxing by Amy van Marken, legendary professor of Scandinavian languages and literature at the University of Groningen.

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See Norwegian Books in Translation – Every Day!

Every day on Instagram – and recently also on Facebook – we in NORLA share great translations of Norwegian books, as stories.
We are happy to show these books – our Cover of the Day – to our followers. And we are pleased that they reach a wide audience: During 2021, our Cover of the Day-stories had more than 81 000 views, that is an average of 240 per book!

Did you know that since 2004, NORLA has contributed to the translation of more than 7,000 Norwegian books into no less than 70 languages?

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Deniz Canefe Sahin - Translator of the Month

January’s Translator of the Month is Deniz Canefe Sahin, who translates both fiction and non-fiction from Norwegian and English to Turkish. She has studied at Hacettepe Universitesi in Ankara and at the University of Oslo. And Deniz has translated more than 40 Norwegian titles by authors like Jon Fosse, Dag Solstad, Tarjei Vesaas, Ola Bauer, Per Petterson, Ingvar Ambjørnsen (the Pelle and Proffen series for young adults and the Samson & Roberto series for children), Eugene Schoulgin, Thorvald Steen and Roy Jacobsen. This year, she will translate Armand V by Dag Solstad and The Eyes of Rigel by Roy Jacobsen. She will also translate Henrik Ibsen’s collected works in cooperation with Haydar Sahin.
Deniz enjoys working with books that are written with a sense of humour and that illuminate the world from different perspectives. She lives in Oslo.

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Christmas Greetings from NORLA

Like last year the book industry’s activities in 2021 were affected by a limited number of physical meeting places for book fairs and festivals. So the physical activities that did take place – such as our participation at the Frankfurter Buchmesse, the event in Brno celebrating 100 Norwegian books published in Czech, the translators’ meeting in London, the Non/Fiction book fair in Moscow and two literature events in New York – became all the more important. At the same time, there has been a good response to the digital services we offer, such as our webinars for agents, editors and translators, which are arranged in close collaboration with the Norwegian embassies and consulates.

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Great interest in Norwegian literature in New York

In connection with H.R.H. Crown Prince Haakon Magnus’ official visit to the USA from 5.-8. December, NORLA, along with Norway’s Consulate General in New York and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, organised two literary events in New York. The delegation consisted of three authors and eight literary agents, whose presence, along with NORLA, breathed life into our important American trade relationships.

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Dilek Carelius - Translator of the Month

Dilek Basak Carelius is a translator of both non-fiction and fiction from Norwegian to Turkish. She has translated books by Erlend Loe, Vigdis Hjorth and Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson, among others. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in English language and literature from Bosphorous University and a Master’s degree in theatre studies from the University of Oslo. Dilek lives in Oslo and her translation of Linn Ullmann’s Unquiet is just about to be published.


NORLA offers its warmest congratulations to the winners of the 2021 Brage Prize

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Let's celebrate Black Book Friday!

Instead of buying something, we encourage everyone to find a black book at home and enjoy it!
Here, our skilled intern Ieva has here collected books that have been translated from Norwegian to Baltic languages through grants from NORLA.
You can see several other black books, which have been translated into lots of different languages, on our Flickr profile.

Take a closer look at some great black books here