Previous activities

March 28 2018-April 2 2018

NORLA's offices are closed for Easter until Tuesday April 3

NORLA’s offices are closed for Easter as of Wednesday March 28.
We open again Tuesday April 3.

Happy Easter!

March 26-March 29 2018

NORLA at the Bologna Book Fair

NORLA is participating at the children’s book fair in Bologna, Italy. This year, for the first time, the Norwegian book industry will be assembled at one large stand at the book fair. Welcome to Hall 21-A51!
Contact us if you wish to arrange a meeting.

See our selected spring titles for children and young adults

March 17-March 21 2018

NORLA goes to Paris

On March 17-19 the book fair Paris Livre takes place. On March 19 there will be arranged a seminar on theatre, where among others Johan Harstad will participate. On March 20, NORLA arranges a publishers’seminar in cooperation with the Norwegian embassy. Anne Cathrine Straume from Norwegian public broadcasting will talk about Norwegian contemporary literature, and Johan Harsted, Helga Flatland, Simen Ekern and Ylva Østby will present their latest books. Norwegian agents will also be present.

The next day, Wednesday March 21, there will be a seminar for translatos and students at the Sorbonne. The same lecturer and authors will be present, and editor-in-chief Eva Bredin from JC Lattès will join in to talk about how she works together with the translators.

March 15-March 18 2018

Leipzig Book Fair offers meeting with many Norwegian writers and Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mette-Marit

Between the 15th and 18th of March, no less than thirteen Norwegian authors will take part in the Leipzig Book Fair. Meet the authors and NORLA at the Norwegian stand in Hall 4 C400!
This year Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mette-Marit will also visit the Leipzig Book Fair, as ambassador for Norwegian literature abroad

See the complete Norwegian program here.

March 15 2018

Application deadline: Sample translation of Norwegian literature

Publishers, agents and translators abroad and in Norway can apply to NORLA for subsidies for sample translations.
Read more here.

NOTE that agents and publishers in Norway can also apply to NORLA, for support for extended sample translations; made possible by funds from the Ministry of Culture as a step towards making Norwegian literature exports an industry.

Translators of Norwegian literature may also apply to NORLA for subsidies for sample translations from books of interest. For translators, there are no application deadlines.
Read more (in Norwegian) here.

March 14 2018

NORLA to the Norwegian Library Association's annual library meeting, Sandefjord

Andrine Pollen is a contributor during the seminar: “Frankfurt 2019 – About Norwegian Literature Abroad.”
The Frankfurt Book Fair is the world’s largest book fair. in 2019, Norway will be the Guest of Honour and Norwegian literature from all genres will be showcased all over Germany throughout the year. NORLA, Norwegian Literature Abroad, promotes Norwegian literary education through active promotional work and support for translation, and is responsible for implementing the Norwegian Guest of Honour project.
Come and hear more about Norwegian literature as seen from the outside!

More information in Norwegian here.

March 13 2018

Meeting of NORLA’s committee of experts for non-fiction

Meeting of NORLA’s committee of experts for non-fiction (for the consideration of applications for translation subsidies with deadline 1 February).

Read more about the translation subsidy here.

March 1 2018

Application deadline: NORLA’s development programme for new literary voices

NORLA hereby invites the editorial staffs of all publishing houses in Norway to nominate candidates for the fourth group of authors in our development program “New Voices”.
The programme forms part of the commitment to Frankfurt 2019, where an important objective is to develop new writers’ voices.
The programme is funded by Talent Norway and The Norwegian Publishers Association, while NORLA is responsible for its implementation.

Read more here.

February 15 2018

Application deadline: NORLA's Translators hotel spring 2018

February 15 is the application deadline for translators of Norwegian literature regarding stays at NORLA’s Translators hotel spring 2018 (weeks 16-17, i.e. as of Monday April 16th through Sunday April 29th).
Please note that the offer is only available for translators who translate directly from Norwegian.

The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs have in previous years contributed towards the scheme.

Read more (in Norwegian) here.

February 15 2018

Frankfurt 2019 and the Norwegian travel and tourism industry

Innovation Norway and NORLA invite the Norwegian travel and tourism industry to a meeting to discuss the opportunities the Guest of Honour project provides to the industry in the German market.

February 6-February 9 2018

German non-fiction publishers to Oslo

A group of seven German non-fiction publishers come to Norway 6th-9th of February.
The group will receive a broad introduction to the Norwegian non-fiction book industry, and will be presented to a number of authors, editors and agents.

We very much look forward to this!

February 5-February 6 2018

The third author group in NORLA’s talent program “New Voices” begin their semester

On Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th of February, the spring participants of NORLA’s New Voice program will meet for the first time. They are Lotta Elstad, Lars Petter Sveen, Øystein Morten, Heidi Sævareid and Gudrun Skretting. The five authors will receive a good introduction to presentation techniques from translator and actor Erik Skuggevik before being thrown into meetings with translators, audiences and publishers across large parts of Europe throughout the spring.

Get to know the authors better here.

February 5-February 7 2018

See and Read! Children's Literature Conference in Bergen, Norway

Norway is the Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2019.
Who are we, when we present Norwegian children’s and youth literature in Frankfurt? And who reads what, and where, tomorrow?
On February the 7th, Andrine Pollen is leading a panel discussion with literary agent Evy Tillman (Oslo Literary Agency), the authors Taran L. Bjørnstad and Endre Lund Eriksen, as well as their translator Maike Dörries from Germany.

Read more at the conference’s web pages (in Norwegian only).

February 1 2018

Application deadline: Translation subsidy for Norwegian non-fiction

Read more about the translation subsidy for Norwegian non-fiction here.

Foreign publishers may also apply for production subsidies for the publication of Norwegian non-fiction containing a large number of illustrations or with exceptionally demanding technical production requirements.
Read more about the scheme here.

January 24-January 29 2018

Jaipur Literary Festival, India

NORLA is present at the Jaipur Literary Festival!
This is said to be the world’s largest free literary festival, with an overwhelming number of writers, participants and audience from India and all the rest of the world. This year the Nordic countries are especially invited, and a number of Nordic writers will participate. From Norway Odd Harald Hauge is coming, on the occasion that Yatra books publishes his crime novel Everest in English, translated by Siân Mackie.

A sideprogram at the festival is BookMark, where publishers and book business people from all over India and the rest of the world meet to discuss issues relevant for the business. There will also be opportunity to present Norwegian books and authors to the Indian publishing industry.
BookMark is supported by the Norwegian Embassy in Delhi, and Ambassador Nils Ragnar Kamsvåg and others from the embassy will be present.